Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Need Motivation? Declare A Deadline - New York Times

This was another handout we got in class on Monday. It was about how setting deadlines can be very helpful in getting things done and having someone reliable to hold you accountable foe meeting deadlines can also be a big help. This article could be useful to me in a way that, sometimes I wait to long to start something, and then I'm cramming and having late nights trying to meet that DEADLINE when all I had to do was make small deadlines for myself for each part and then I could have finish before the actual deadline, giving me time to go back over and check my work and even add things if need be. I need to learn to do this more often.

What I Hope To Accomplish

  • Shaving a second or 2 off my 400 time. 
  • Try an all out 400; no pacing; run an 24 sec 200 split 
  • Hit 49 sec. before State Meet
  • Increase Muscular Strength and Cardiovascular endurance 
  • Learn some more things about running a 400

Monday, April 29, 2013

Happiness Revisited

We got a handout today in class and it's an article called Happiness Revisited. It is about what makes us happy, what is happiness, experiences we encounter, and so on.  After the reading, there were 5 questions to be answered.

  1. When do you feel most happy?
    • I feel most happy when I'm spending time with friends and family, playing music, learning some new and exciting, when I'm outside in the middle of nature and taking in it's beautiful surroundings...!
  2. React/Respond to article.
    • My response to this article is that it was very interesting with detailed information and it made some good points that you would definitely agree on or even get you thinking about some things.
  3. Where are you on the flow chart?
    • I would say I fall somewhere in-between high and low on the challenges and skills axes because I like to do things that might give me a challenge or learn new skills, but I'm not at the point where I'll turn down every challenge or get bored because I have a lot of skills. I know for sure I will keep challenging myself and learning new things; and I'll do it in my own way.
  4. How has this changed/ remained the same throughout the course of your project?
    • How this has remained throughout the course of my project is that even though I may have some hard days or I didn't do as well as I wanted to, I know there is always room for improvement.
  5. How can you achieve flow?
    • I think I may have achieved flow already. The definition of flow - the state in which people are involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it, is pretty much the summary of why I love running. Even though it may hurt sometimes, or we get running injuries, runners will find ways to push themselves or speed up that recovery so that they can get back to what they love doing . 

Comfort Zone - Week 12

A place where I feel I'm in my comfort zone is at the high school on the track. A way I could step out of this comfort zone is going out into the community and running with other runners other than my team, or find races I could join in. This could be a possible way I could learn new things and ideas. Stepping out of my comfort zone is a way to grow and meet new people.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mentor Meeting 8

We did talk about much other than Ithaca Relays and my research.

For Ithaca Relays we talked about the events I would be doing. For my research, I told Ms. Kruger that I read a article on breathing from the magazine Chris gave me (which I should blog about) and that I am still reassessing what research I need to conduct.

3rd Annual Dan Fravil Ithaca Relays

Ithaca Relays was GREAT! Despite the fact that we came in 3rd place - with Shaker in 2nd and Corning in 1st. Corning is really annoying, but I will admit that they do have a very strong team. Me, personally - I had a great night!! The events I was placed in were, the SMR (Sprint Medley Relay), 4by4 Relay, and high jump, but I ended up not jumping and running 4 relays!! That including the SMR, 4by4, 4by8, and 4by2. There was a semi-final and finals for the 4by2 so I had to run that event twice (after running 2 400's and an 800). Dan Dracup, one of the runners in the 4by8 fell ill before the race so I jumped in for him; I had wanted to run it for awhile so this was my chance! We placed 4th in the SMR, 1st in the 4by4 (which I was really ecstatic about), not sure what we placed in the 4by8, and 3rd in the 4by2. By the end of the meet, I was so exhausted!!! I had ran 5 races, way beyond what I was expected too! Yesterday, I even heard that I was nominated for MVP of the meet which I thought was pretty cool! My overall performance was astounding!

Even though I want to take a small break to recover, I think I'll just keep pushing through all the pain and soreness. This is my last year for high school track and I'm going to make it my best. I am an essential part of  this team and I am going to continue growing and representing my track team until the very end!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

After Ithaca Relays

I have come to the conclusion that I NEED to take a break after the Ithaca Relays meet tomorrow. If I continue to run and mask my shin splint pain with Ibuprofen, my shin splints are only going to get much worst. I want to start doing the workouts I got from Adrian and crosstrain during practice in the weight room. I know the coaches depend on me because I can win points or even my event, but my shins hurt so much to the point where a light jog can irritate them; not good. Not saying I'm am just going to take a break and not doing any work, but I need to find alternatives. I am physically worn down as well. My body needs time to rest and recover from all the running. I have been to every track meet this year and have given my all every event, every meet. I love running and will always, but I need to take care of myself as well so I can continue doing what I love doing...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Track Meet Reflection - Corning Duel Meet (4/23)

Corning has a really good team!! We had a really hard time competing with them. I personally had a good day.  I broke my personal record in the 200m dash, came in first in high jump, first in the 4by4 and third in the 400m dash. There was one guy on their team that I specifically noticed. Not sure of his name, but he was in my heat of the 400 and he came in first. He was also in the 4by1 and 400 hurdles. He came in first in the 400 hurdles, which was right after the 400. I couldn't believe it. Seeing his performance today surprised me but also inspired me in a way to work even harder for the 400. Running 2 400's that close to each other and coming in first is just crazy!!

The other cool part is we had coach buses this time instead of a school bus; sweet!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Talk with Kim - Athletic Trainer

Due to all the training and running I've been doing, I now have shin splints and I talked to Kim Bailey, the wonderful and very kind athletic trainer at the high school about prevention and treatment. She is the best!

I will be adding my own insight as well. The words not in (") are my own.

So for prevention she said:

  1. "Proper footwear."  Proper footwear is important because wearing the wrong type of shoe can lead to injury and effect the efficiency of your running as well as some other things.
  2. "Gradual increase in training intensity."  Training too hard too fast is a open door to injury. You should start off slow and gradually increase the intensity, repetitions, and so on. 
  3. "Strength training with focus on core strength."  Strength and core training plays an important role in reducing the chance of injury and more efficient running.
  4. "Conditioning on a even, cushioned surface."  Running on this type of surface lessens the impact your feet and legs absorb. Running on hard surfaces can put more stress on your body than it need, thus leading to unwanted injuries. 
  5. "Flat Feet."  People with flat feet (no arch) should use orthotics to give them an arch to prevent the foot from pronating and prevent injuries related to overpronation. 
  1. "Icing - helps decrease inflammation."  When you have an injury, there is usually inflammation around the area and icing reduces it. 
  2. "Ice Message - Also helps reduce inflammation and increases circulation."  
  3. "Rest - Unloads the joints and puts you in a environment to heal."  After a hard workout or consistent training, the body needs time to rest and rebuild muscle fibers that have been torn. 
  4. "Take Ibuprofen/Anti-Inflammatory Pills" 

To help with my shin splints, I got Dr. Scholls Insoles called Active Series. Here is some information from the website about them: "During athletic activity, the foot is subject to the shock from impact of 2-3 times your body weight with every step. Dr. Scholl's® Active Series™ Insoles reduce shock by 40% and, for those with shin splints, runner's knee and plantar fasciitis, helps relieve and prevent the pain."

Pair Share - Research - Week 11

Last week during class, we were told to pair up with a peer and bring in something for each other that could be helpful to our projects. My peer was Chris. I brought in a article on cooking methods. I thought this would be helpful because it could help him think of different ways to cook different foods. Chris brought me a magazine by Runner's World. This will definitely be helpful in giving me tips on various things and how to do things better. There are also articles I could read where I could learn something new or get new ideas from.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Track Meet Reflection - Owego Invitational (4/19)

The track meet (invitational) was held at Owego at 4:00. The weather wasn't the best, but it was fairly warm outside and windy. I was feeling pretty good, and ready to do running! We got to Owego and everything was going smooth. Almost half way through the meet, it started to rain. I was at the high jump pit when it started. After about 5-10 mins, it let up, which was great! The final call for the 400 was given an I went over to check in. I had warmed up earlier, so I kept moving around so my muscles would stay loose. Then it started to rain and all the guy heats were put alongside the track to wait for the girls 400 heats to be finished. While we were all waiting, we were standing there in the wind and rain and we were waiting for so long, we pretty much got soaked!

Well, my heat was up and we all got ready to run. The official said "Runners to your mark", and I focused myself and get into my blocks, I then waited a few seconds then put myself into the set position (my body did it automatically), but then I get back down because I didn't hear the official say "set". I then look up and see the other runners running and all that goes through my head is "dang it"! I take off and I'm in seventh place but I catch up and finished the race in fourth. I was kinda upset because I could have came in at least second and it was all because I couldn't hear the official or the gun!! -__-

After my race, it started POURING!!!! Everyone scrabbles to grab their belonging and then heads for the school cafeteria. There we were told that the rest of the meet is cancelled and they will score the meet as it is.

Man that was some crazy rain!

How to Break 50 Seconds for the 400 Meters

I watched this video and it basically told me what was needed to break 50 sec.

To find your 400 time, take your best 200 time, double it, and then add 4 seconds. The first 200 must be ran in 24 sec., and then the second 200 in 26 sec. A workout that was proposed was 3 x 150m fly times (when you start 10 meters back behind the 150 mark), with full recovery of 10-15 min. To break 50, I need to get my 150m time down to 16.5 sec.

That being said, I need to work hard and continue to push myself because this goal will NOT be a easy one.

Here is a link to the video

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Task Force Journal Review - Ms. Gray

Ms. Gray reviewed my blog and gave me feedback on what she thought I was doing well or what could be better.
Click here to see Task Journal Review 

In response to her feedback:

  1. The Physical Journal: I believe I fixed the problem of not being able to see when the entries were made and there being no date. You can see the number of entries on the right side of blog under Blog Archive and if it helps, I can start numbering the entries. On my blog, there are actually 15 blog posts. I change the layout of the blog so everything should be easier to see and understand. 
  2. Entries: I understand there is not a evidence of research in my posts and I am working on that. I feel as though having more interviews would not help me and that it is kind of pointless. I feel like I wouldn't get much out of it. If I was to interview more people, I don't think I would learn to much more than what I already know.
  3. Reflection or Review: Good point. I should include more on how I feel/felt about workouts and meets. There isn't much I could say about my food intake, but I guess I can I could include a post about what I do or eat before and on the day of a meet. I'm not really worried about the food I eat because I don't really think it affects me. As long as I eat well and get the energy I need, I'm good.
  4. Suggestions: Ms. Lord use to say that to me as well. "You need more enthusiasm". I'm not sure why that is said. Maybe I'm not showing it as well as I should. Well...I suppose I could be a little more energetic about it! I feel like interviewing would just be a waste of time really; don't think I can get a whole lot more information on this whole running thing. I agree that I need to include more training resources (I believe this is referring to research?). I only really have training partners when the mid-distance runners get together and do a workout; I am more independent when it comes to workouts though. When I am lifting, I tend to workout with the same people, such as my friend Tevin Smith. I also agree that I could do more reflecting about practices, meets, and how I feeling in general. The food/nutrition log thing, I'm not really feelin' it. I don't do anything special before or on the day of a meet. I just try to eat well and get enough sleep, that's all I can really say. 
Thanks Ms. Gray, I am appreciative of your feedback.


I don't know what is going on, but I think I'm getting lazy with track and my WISE requirements.

For track, I know for sure I've been putting in work at all my track meets, but for my practices, I've noticed I haven't really been doing anything on the days that we have tough workouts. If I was to come up with excuses, one would be because of my intense shin splints and two would be because I'm so tired!!!!! After my meet on Saturday, I have felt extremely tired. I've been going to bed at a reasonable time after my meets (before 11/11:30). After Invitationals meets, I usually get home around 9/9:30. Now, I am also thinking to myself that I've been fooling myself with this illusion that I been putting in a lot of work and I need time to rest. To some extent, I do believe I need some time to rest. So far, I have been doing 4 events each meet; that including 2 400's, a 200, and high jump. Not bragging, but I am the best 400 runner on the team, so I can see why the coaches are dependent upon me so much, but the 400 is a very exhausting race, and doing that twice every meet, I feel it is putting a lot of stress on my body. I take ibuprofen before each meet due to my shins hurting so bad, just so I can get through all of my events.

Today, I think that enthusiasm that I use to have is finally returning. I need to push through until the very end and don't let little things get me down. I will continue to work hard and try to find a way to deal with my shins so they don't hurt so much during practice. No need to be all gloomy during practice and having people worried about me. I need to laugh it up with my teammates, be myself, and just go out there and do what I got to do to get the job done.

Now for the WISE requirements, all it takes is for me to make myself sit down and journal or research. I need to get out of this rut once again and get a move on. I just want this to be OVER ALREADY!!!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


4/13/13 - Meet at Newark Valley - Came in second place in my heat. Won 3rd overall.

4/17/13 - Taking an ice bath; my friend Wesley is next to me.

T-shirts and ribbons I won at Ithaca Relays!
4/26/13 Ithaca Relays - 1st Leg in the 4by4 (I was in first!!)
4/26/13 Ithaca Relays - 3rd Leg in the 4by8
4/26/13 Ithaca Relays - Ribbons I won!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Talk with Adrian - Personal Trainer

My mentor wanted me to talk to one of the trainers at the high school about workouts I could do to help with my shin splits. This is what he gave me:

The reason for shin splits is that the foot is not absorbing the force of hitting the ground like it should.  This could be for various reasons such as weak muscles or an bad arch in your foot.

When I'm running, lean forward more

Workouts - Try to do them 3 times per week

  • 1 Leg bounds on Bosu ball - 4 sets for 30 sec each  (see picture) 
  • Towel Curls - 2x15 reps
  • Sand Vertical Jumps - 3x10 reps
  • Theraband Toe Outs - 3x15 reps
  • Pogo Jumps - 3x50 reps (don't jump from your knees)
He said it is better to go easier at practice than to die at a meet because you went 100% during practice. Every practice and meet is important and that is when you want to be at the peak of your performance. You don't want to break yourself down to the point where you don't do well at a meet.

He also said to talk to Kim about arch taping (extra support under your foot) and to ask about ice cups and ice massages.

My mentor wanted me to talk to Kim as well, so all of this ties into each other.

This information will be very useful because my shins are KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Track Workouts (Weeks 4/8 - )

Now that track meets have started, some of the workouts may change. We will usually have duel meets on Tuesdays and Invitationals on Saturdays, and the day before the meet will be a pre-meet. On a pre-meet day, we do a light workout of ins and outs on the track (striders on the straight aways and walk the curves) and then work on our events and handoffs for those on a relay team, such as myself.

Didn't think to include this until now! After the warm-up drill, the sprinters do sprint drills to help with stretching and warming up. These drills include:

High Knee Karaokes (hands out, hand out and still, hands behind your back) High Knees, Butt Kicks, A skips (clap skips; bring your knee up high and clap underneath), B skips (bring your knee up, bring your leg out and snap down to the ground), Monster Kicks ( kick your foot to your opposite hand; ex: right foot to left hand), Single Leg Knee Tuck Stretch (bring your knee to your chest and pull back). I will include a video of all the drills in a separate post.

Monday (4/8): Pre-meet
  • Warm-up routine
  • Sprint Drills
  • Workout
    • Ins and Outs - 1 set of 2
    • Worked on events and handoffs
Tuesday (4/9): Track Meet (Shenango Valley)
  • Warm-up 
  • Events
    • High Jump - 5'6"
    • 400 - 53.2
    • 200 - 23.7
    • 4 by 400m Relay - 53.7  (3:39 altogether)
Wednesday (4/10): Pretty much took the day off, but was still at practice
  • I bench pressed - 2 sets of 135, 8 reps
Thursday (4/11): Didn't really do much this day either due to the pain in my shins!! I got through the warm-up and that was about it. We went inside and I benched twice; 8 reps at 135lbs. I then took an 15 min. ice bath; ouch!! I'll have to remember to take a picture next time.

Friday (4/12): Pre-meet
  • Warm-up routine
  • Sprint Drills
  • Workout
    • Ins and Outs - 1 set of 2
    • 4by400 Handoffs
    • 4by100 Handoffs
  • Ice massage - 15 mins.
Saturday (4/13): Meet - Newark Valley (Ithaca wins the meet!!)
  • Warm-up
  • Events
    • High Jump - 5'4"
    • 400 - 54.01
    • 200 - 24.45
    • 4by400m Relay 
Monday (4/15): Pre-meet
  • Warm-up routine 
  • Sprint drills
  • Workout
    • Ins and Outs - 1 set of 2
Tuesday (4/16): Meet - Ithaca High School (Ithaca wins!)
  • Warm-up
  • Events
    • High Jump - 5'9"
    • 400 - 52.8 
    • 200 - 24.4
    • 4by400 - 55
Wednesday (4/17): The workout was hills, but I didn't do it due to my shins and being very tired. I did bench press and squat a little bit though. I also took a 15 min ice bath.

Bench Press - 2 sets : 8 reps @ 140lbs  
Squat - 3 sets: 8 reps @ 135lbs 

Thursday (4/18): Pre-meet
  • Warm-up routine
  • Workout
    • Ins and Outs - 1 set of 2 
    • 2 Flying 150's 
    • 400 block starts
    • High jump
Friday (4/19): Meet - Owego Invitational

  • Warm-up
  • Sprint Drills
  • Events
    • High Jump - 5'6"
    • 400 - 54.5
Saturday (4/20):
  • Warm-up routine
  • Sprint Drills
  • Workout
    • 3 sets of 3x300's - 1 min 30 intervals; run about 55 sec 300, 35 sec rest
Monday (4/22): Pre-meet
  • Warm-up routine
  • Sprint Drills
  • Workout
    • Ins and Outs - 1 set of 2
    • 4by4 Handoffs
    • 4by1 Handoffs
    • Block starts 
Tuesday (4/23): Duel Meet - Corning 
  • Warm-up
  • Events
    • 400 - 54
    • High Jump - 5'6"
    • 200 - 23.4
    • 4by4

Mentor Meeting 6

We talk about the outline of my powerpoint and how I can present my project. We also talked about:

  • Goals
  • Community person
  • Blog how my track practice has changed
  • Reassessing what I need to research 

Monday, April 8, 2013

In Class Entry Week 9 - Partner Read

Today in class we swapped journals with one other wise student and we read a few of their entries. I read through Chris's Journal.

Entries are becoming more detailed and could still use some more imagery. Including pictures or videos of what he cooks would be so awesome. Entries are also very consistent. Reading his journal has help me think of different ways of posting and what I could add to my blog.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

400 Times

3/21 - 55 sec
3/26 - 57.2 sec
4/2 - 56 sec
4/9 - 53.2, 53.7 (4by400 relay)
4/13 - 54.01
4/16 - 52.8, 55 (4by4)
4/19 - 54.5
4/23 - 54
4/26 -
4/30 -
5/4 - 53.5
5/7 -
5/11 - 52.4